In Memory of



Obituary for Al Hutama

Al Hutama
(July 9, 1942 – August 18, 2022)

Al was a loving husband to his wife, a gentle dad to his four children, an affectionate grandpa to his five grandchildren, a caring brother to his eight younger siblings, and a very kind person who was always eager to help others.
Al was born in Jakarta, Indonesia on July 9th, 1942 into a large family. As the eldest of nine children, Al didn’t get a chance to go to college and had to spend his younger years working to support his parents’ large family. But Al taught himself English and was an avid reader in a wide variety of knowledge which later helped him to thrive as an entrepreneur in Indonesia.
In his prime years, Al immersed himself in an Auto Rally sport and he won national-level Auto Rally championship numerous times. Al also liked to travel. In his late thirties, he had a chance to travel around the world visiting close to 50 countries.
In 1998, in the aftermath of political unrest in Indonesia, Al moved to America and had to start life all over again. It is hard to imagine having to start one’s life financially from zero at the age of 56, but that was what Al had to go through. Fortunately, Al still had the love of his family. For the first three years, Al lived with his sons in California and New Jersey. Eventually Al was able to find a steady job with US Postal Service and was able to afford his own place. Al’s “never give up” approach to life is inspiring! If there is one lesson of life that Al can show us is that failure is an event – not a person! After retiring from USPS, Al moved to Texas to be closer to his beloved daughter.
It is written in The Book of Psalms that “the length of our days is seventy years – or eighty, if we have the strength; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.” Not exactly a positive way to look at life, but it is, nevertheless, a profound reminder that most of our life is spent battling to overcome trouble and sorrows. And for Al, this verse is a solemn reflection of his life. For all the ups and downs of Al’s life, Al lived for exactly 80 years and in the end, with his health failing, he simply had no strength left to live.
Al is survived by his wife Lorna, the family of his son Sandi (wife Lili and sons Timothy and Daniel), the family of his son Michel (wife Wenny and son Nathan), the family of his late daughter Amelia (husband Gideon and daughter Nathania) and the family of his son Manuel (wife Aliya and son Melvin).