In Memory of




Obituary for Chiang Hsueh Wang



爸爸是日本東北帝國大學化工部畢業的。爸爸是遺腹子,出生在 1907,那個年代台灣還沒有大學。故事裡的寡婦,通常會把心懸一命的獨子拴在身邊,而我們的阿嬤卻毅然決然送爸爸遠赴日本高校求學。帝大畢業後,爸爸又工作了一段時間才回台。我很小的時候阿嬤就當選了模範母親,做為這樣家庭的媳婦當然不是容易的事。有些烙在印象裡的場景畫面直至長大才有所領悟,但我極少聽到媽媽的抱怨,常常聽到的是媽媽感佩阿嬤的遠見和膽識。六個孩子,大姊老大我老么,差了十歲。小學三年級時,家搬到了台北。爸爸去菲律賓幫忙設廠,直到我小四才回國。搬家時大哥照光高二,留在宜蘭高中,沒有轉學到台北。大姊上了台北大學,二哥照仁插班轉學到台北師大附中。二姊阿華上了初中。三哥和我進了台北中山國小。現在想來,那一、兩年內家裡經歷這麼大的變動,媽媽除了要惦記出遠門的爸爸、探望留在宜蘭的阿嬤和大哥,還要安撫轉學尚在適應的孩子...。回想小時候,總浮出媽媽戴著眼鏡記帳的畫面,感覺是媽媽錢不夠用,老盤點著。我捧著竹節做的存錢筒,想分攤媽媽的煩惱,塞給媽媽時,她開懷地笑了。年紀稍大,我懂了。原來,媽媽總在想辦法湊個整數好把錢拿到銀行存起來。





媽媽很愛剪報,至今我的抽屜裡還有媽媽寄給我的讀者文摘「種瓜得瓜 種豆得豆」,看著這份剪報彷彿媽媽還在身邊叮嚀....



Chiang Hsueh Wang was born to Chong Zhong Wu and Tian Chi Chen on November 19, 1919 in Tainan, Taiwan. She was the middle child, having one older and one younger brother.

She completed the highest form of education possible at that time, graduating from Tainan Women's Secondary School. She lived a very active and athletic life, including running marathons. She worked as a school teacher for a very short period of time before marrying Ching Biao Wang in [what year.

In her happy marriage, she raised a wonderful family of six children, three sons and three daughters, who went on to lives in Taiwan and the United States. She too would split her life between these two countries. Following the death of her husband, she moved to the United States in 1986 and would spend the final three decades of her life living in Texas among her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Chiang Hsueh Wang was a skilled and avid gardener. She enjoyed exercise throughout her life, spending much time outdoors and going for daily walks. Church was a big part of her life, where she gave generously to others, made many friends, and sang in the choir. She had an extremely active social life at the Taiwanese Center. Education was important throughout her life, and she took many classes at the Taiwanese senior center. She diligently studied English and Spanish. She always read the newspapers and would circulate articles among family and friends.

Her spirit and enthusiasm for all that she did would be the envy of those half her age. Her elegance and style made her stand out in any crowd. But most of all her generosity for taking care of others, her prodigious memory and attention to the details of people’s lives made her treasured by every friend and family member.

Chiang Hsueh Wang passed away peacefully on September 21, 2020 at the age of 100. She is survived by her three children, thirteen grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren, and a loving extended family.