In Memory of




Obituary for Dah Hsi Ho

Dr. Dah Hsi HO
1931 - 2021

Dr. Dah Hsi Ho, also known as Daisy, a retired research professor in MD Anderson Medical Center, passed away from natural causes on January 8, 2021 at the age of 89.

Daisy was born in Shanghai, China on June 22, 1931. Daisy’s late father, Dr. Ju Xiang Wang, was the Minister of Health in China in the late 1940’s. Her maternal great grandfather was a high official in the Qing dynasty and was a teacher of emperors Tongzhi and Guangxu. Her maternal great great grandfather was a secretary of Qing’s emperors Xianfeng and Tongzhi, and served as a teacher of emperor Xianfeng .

In late 1940’s, Daisy’s family moved to Taiwan and graduated from National Taiwan Normal University with flying colors. She pursued further studies in The University of Oregon. After receiving her Ph.D in 1962, she married Dr. Beng Thong Ho and moved together to Houston and started working in MD Anderson Medical Center in early 1960’s. Daisy spent over 50 years in MD Anderson and received the prestigious MD Anderson lifetime achievement award and retired a few years ago.

Her contributions involved investigation of pharmaceutical drugs toxicity on cancer patients to target discovery and validation of drug design and development in preclinical and clinical testing.

Besides working as a devoted researcher and educator, she also enjoyed sharing experience and gave guidance to junior faculty members and new comers. When she appeared in the Chinese Community Center, she always had a smiley face and showed her care to others. When someone needed help, she always tried her best to help, especially when a medical visit was needed in MD Anderson, she helped to look for the best doctor and served as a translator. Her enthusiasm in helping others have been touching lots of people in all these years.

Daisy is survived by her husband Dr. Beng Thong Ho.

Daisy will be cremated in Winford funeral home then move to International Buddhist Progress Society of Houston as she planned years ago.

Daisy was a low-profile person, led a thrifty and simple life. Her wish will be honored, in addition to this pandemic period, no funeral service nor visitation will be hosted. Flowers and donation will be cordially declined.

Daisy will always live in our hearts. Sweet journey home!

1931 - 2021



王博士隨家人移居台灣後,品學兼優,畢業於台灣師範大學後,即前往美國俄勒岡州立大學攻讀博士學位, 一九六二年博士畢業,與何明通博士結婚,婚後二人即搬到休士頓,王博士任職於 Texas MD Anderson 癌症中心,擔任研究工作五十多年,直至數年前才退休。

王博士畢生於研究癌症藥品的副作用,用數據分析來作減低藥物對人體產生的不良影響,取得可觀的成就,榮獲 最光榮的 MD Anderson 終生成就獎。除了鑽研藥理的專業外,王博士也樂於在同業中提攜後輩,對新來的同事及新搬到休斯頓朋友伸以援手,盡力幫忙。同時在僑社活動中,常常可以見到她满瞼笑容,和靄可親的身影,尤其是任何人在需要到 MD Anderson 醫院時, 她都會謁盡心力幫忙,像找醫生、當翻譯等等,造福很多休士頓的鄉親,她的離去,令人不捨,我們會永遠懷念她。



* 奠儀及花圈懇辭