In Memory of




Obituary for Alex Wang 王福生



王福生先生于1964年11月出生于安徽合肥。1988年毕业于中国科技大学无线电电子学系, 同年进入安徽合肥微型计算机研究所任职助理工程师。1990来到美国, 并于1997年入学休斯顿大学计算机系进修碩士学位。1997年起创办美国三瑞国际公司及世界名 人网(, 投身于自己酷爱的网络设计和网络媒体事业, 为几百家企业设计和维护网站包括大中型医疗专家系统、工业控制系统, 网络应用软件、专家辅助决策系统等, 并尽力帮助许多华人企业、商户、个人在休斯顿获得成功。他创办的世界名人网华语网站文章一般都是原创, 内容详实、丰富,在全球享有盛誉。25年来王福生先生一心一意致力于网络新闻事业,特别是休斯顿当地的各种政商新闻报道, 他的足迹几乎遍布大休斯顿地区的每个角落, 不管是刮风下雨、烈日严寒, 他都不计报酬, 不图名利出现在大休斯顿地区的各种具有新闻意义的场合。

王福生先生的一生是短暂的,也是辉煌的, 他几十年如一日,热心参加各项社活动, 既是作为名人网总编, 更是多个协会、社团的发起人和组织人。他生前担任过的社团职务有:德州安 徽同乡会秘书长、中国人活动中心副执行长、中友好促进会副会长、大休斯顿中国联合校友会前副会长、休斯敦-南京友好协会第二届会长、亚裔选举联盟理事、全美华人协会休斯頓分会前理事、南方大学孔子学院顾问委员会秘书长、姚明球迷俱乐部理事、江苏省海外交流协会常务理事、辽宁省华商会海外理事、南京师范大学客座教授及其他若干职务。

王福生先生為人平和,淡泊名利, 立志獻身中華文化在世界的傳播工作, 為美國華裔社區服務, 為海外華裔進入美國主流社會而貢獻了自己的一生。他多年來廢寢忘食的工作態度, 日以繼夜的老黃牛精神, 真誠熱情的好客性格, 得到了所有認識他的人讚揚。他的突然去世是休斯頓社區的重大損失, 也會為華語媒體留下來一塊空白。

王福生妻子呂波女士也是媒體工作者。王福生與前妻張忠育有一女,Winnie Wang,已成人。

王福生先生的追思會將於2023年5月14日週日上午 9點到下午1點在永福殯儀館隆重舉行,地點 8514 Tybor Drive, Houston。 5月12日、13日下午5.30-7.30可前往殯儀館參加探 祝活動(Viewing)。




Obituary for Mr. Alex Wang

Mr. Alex Wang (Fusheng), a prominent Chinese media figure in
Houston, President of Z & ZZ International, Inc., founder and editor-inchief of World Hall of Fame network, and a well-known member of the
overseas Chinese community, passed away on April 30, 2023 (1964-2023) at the age of 59 after a battle with illness.

Born in November 1964 in Hefei, Anhui, China, Mr. Wang graduated from the Department of Radio Electronics at the University of Science and Technology of China in 1988. He then worked as an assistant engineer at the Hefei Microcomputer Research Institute in China. In 1990, he moved to the United States and pursued a master's degree in computer science at the University of Houston in 1997. From 1997 onwards, he founded Z & ZZ International, Inc. and World Hall of Fame network (, dedicating himself to his passion for web design and online media. He designed and maintained websites for hundreds of companies, including large and medium-sized medical expert systems, industrial control systems, network application
software, expert-assisted decision-making systems, and more. He also worked tirelessly to help many Chinese businesses, merchants, and individuals succeed in Houston. The articles he wrote for the Chinese-language section of World Hall of Fame network were mostly original, detailed, and informative, and were well received

For 25 years, Mr. Wang devoted himself wholeheartedly to the online news industry, particularly local political
and business news in Houston. His footprints could be found in almost every corner of the greater Houston
area, appearing at various news-worthy events regardless of weather conditions, without seeking reward or

Mr. Wang's life was short but illustrious. He participated actively in various overseas Chinese community
activities as the founder and organizer of several associations and societies, in addition to his role as the editorain-chief of World Hall of Fame Network. Some of his positions included: Secretary-General of Anhui Association of Texas, Deputy Executive Director of the Chinese Civic Center, and many other positions.

Mr. Wang was kind, unassuming, and dedicated to promoting Chinese culture in the world and serving the
Chinese-American community in the United States. He contributed his entire life to helping overseas Chinese
enter mainstream American society. His tirelessaiork ethic over the years, his diligence and dedication, and his sincere and hospitable character earned him the admiration of everyone who knew him. His sudden passing is a great loss to the Houston community and leaves a void in Chinese-language media.

Mr. Alex Wang is survived by his wife, Ms. Lü Bo, also a media worker, his daughter, Winnie Wang, and his ex-wife, Zhong Zhang.

The memorial service for Mr. Alex Wang will be held at Winford Funerals, 8514 Tybor Drive, Houston, from 9
a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, May 14, 2023. Viewing hours will be available on May 12th and 13th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Memorial page:

Regarding the memorial service, contact persons are: Jingkun Zhang (CCC) at 832-860-1245; Hongfa Huang (AHAT) at 281-736-7929.

Mr. Alex Wang will be remembered for generations to come!

Anhui Association of Texas, Chinese Civic Center and more than 30 other organizations jointly release this statement