In Memory of







Obituary for Jamie Longbow (Zhang, Jian) - 張堅

Zhigang 2:30 PM




2001年张坚进入美国哥伦比亚大学攻读博士,师从定量地震学大师Paul Richards。通过对地震波形的精细研究,证实了地球内核与地幔的差异旋转。成果发表在2005年的《科学》杂志,是关于地球内核演变的标志性成果,主流媒体争相报导。此项研究为之后的内核旋转研究奠定了重要基础。

2007年博士毕业后,张坚加入UCSD Scripps海洋研究所,从事利用地震台阵观测记录地震成像的研究,是利用飓风风暴激发的地震波来研究地球深部结构的先驱,并发现了内陆微震和海洋风速之间的相关性,对地震断层结构也有深入研究。

2011年张坚加入Los Alamos国家实验室,兴趣广泛的张坚让这里平淡的生活多了一份烟火气。球局饭局牌局多了一个铁杆支持者,无论聚会还是帮忙,张坚随叫随到,从不缺席。同时,张坚继续在工作上施展自己的才华,利用地震背景噪声来提取地球介质的地震波衰减特性,在这个前沿领域开创了新方法。张坚还发现了Non-volcanic tremor,促进了地球板块边界动力学观测的进展。

张坚于2013年底迁往休斯顿,入职斯伦贝谢公司。主要从事油气开发中微震监测的研发工作。2017年入职微震公司,担任资深地球物理研究员,继续从事微震监测算法和软件开发等工作。2020年加盟地球空间技术公司旗下的量子科技公司,任首席地球物理学家,是SADAR (地表高密集台阵实时探测检测系统)的重要研发人员。在近十年的石油工业界研发工作中,张坚发表多篇论文和会议报告,是微震监测和油藏监测方面当之无愧的专家。


Zhigang 2:31 PM
Jamie Longbow Biography

Jamie Longbow (Jian Zhang) was born on August 13, 1975, in Heishan, Liaoning Province in China. He passed away on February 20, 2023 in Houston. He was 47.

As a kid, Jamie was smart and studious, especially fascinated by mysterious outer space. The popular science magazine "Mystery" was his favorite reading material. In 1994, he entered Peking University after achieving high scores and chose geophysics as his major. Selected as a student in the Science Experiment Class that had much harder courses than normal classes, he demonstrated his talents and hardworking, excelling in all his subjects. After graduation, Jamie continued his Master’s degree in Peking University. He worked with Professor Xiaofei Chen and finished several outstanding research papers.

In 2001, Jamie started his Ph.D. study in Columbia University, working with Professor Paul Richards, a world master in quantitative seismology. Through a novel precision study of seismic waveform doublets, he confirmed the differential rotation of the Earth’s inner core relative to the Earth’s mantle and published it in the prestigious journal Science in 2005. His work was a landmark in the study of Earth’s inner core time lapse changes and received widespread news reports worldwide. The novel method he developed laid a solid foundation for future precision research about the Earth’s inner core .

After completing his Ph.D. degree in 2007, Jamie continued to pursue his academic dream. He joined the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UCSD in 2007 and then Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2011. His research topics were mainly focused on micro-seismicity and ambient noise. He showed compelling evidence on how to extract meaningful Earth structure and characteristics from those weak signals and even noise.

In late 2013, Jamie decided to take up the challenge to solve practical problems from industry. He moved to Houston and brought his micro-seismicity expertise to Schlumberger. In 2017, he joined Microseismic Inc as a Senior Geophysicist, continuing his work on algorithm and software development for microseismic monitoring. In 2020, he joined Quantum Technology Sciences as Chief Geophysicist and was an important developer of the SADAR system for hydrocarbon reservoir and carbon storage monitoring.

In 2012, Jamie and Helena fell in love at first sight in Los Alamos, NM. They tied the knot on November 1st that year. For more than a decade, they have been in love, supporting each other, and enjoying a deep and happy relationship. Central to Jamie’s life were his family, caring for his wife, their son Peter and his kitten with utmost attention. He greatly enjoyed their company. Movies and poker were Jamie’s favorite pastimes. Jamie treasured all kinds of movies, both classic and lesser known films. He had even won the Katy area Texas Hold'em tournament championship as an amateur. Jamie loved singing and his best was the song “Chengdu”. He was also a big fan of basketball and tennis. Watching tennis matches with Peter was one of his happiest activities.