In Memory of





Obituary for Pao Lung Chen 陳寶龍


寶龍先生出生於上海1941年1月10日. 父親經營棉紡織事業. 家境富裕. 1949年隨父母遷居台灣, 台北. 先生在台灣長大. 大學科系是土木工程. 60年代留學美國. 那時要座輪船, 歷經一個月穿越太平洋才到達. 在俄克拉荷馬州求學, 獲得土木工程碩士學位. 來到休士頓工作. 先生專長是石油工程建築設計, 工作超過50年.
1972 與黃玉玲結婚, 育有一女 (陳怡雯) 及一男 (陳立賢).並共有四個孫子女.
80年, 先生認識主. 於休士頓中國教會受浸, 參加ALIEF團契 (磐石團契前生) . 帶著小孩,從小在教會長大. 全家真誠地信靠神, 享受美好的團契生活.
先生工作認真, 執著, 敬業. 贏得同事器重敬佩. 平日喜好親自動手研究修理, 修好了東西, 滿有成就感. 先生弟妹眾多, 他盡兄長之責, 扶助他們在美國生根立業, 深得他們感恩尊敬. 先生行為雖然拘謹, 但內心善良,樂意助人. 晚年得病, 一年多靠著對主的信心, 堅強對抗病魔, 直到今年六月27日蒙主恩招,返回天家, 享年81歲.

Pao Lung Chen's life
Pao Lung was born January 10, 1941 in Shanghai, China. His father was a self-made wealthy man who built a cotton textile company, and his mother an industrious woman, loving mother and excellent cook.
In 1949 the family moved to Taipei, Taiwan where Pao Lung grew up and studied civil engineering in college. He immigrated to the United States in the 1960s after a month-long trip across the Pacific Ocean.
After obtaining a master’s degree in civil engineering at Oklahoma State University, Pao Lung moved to Houston and built an engineering career over 50 years in petroleum plant design and construction. His dedication, precision, and attention to detail won the respect and admiration of his colleagues.
In 1972, he married Huang Yu-ling and had a daughter and son.
In 1980, he came to know the Lord and was baptized at Houston Chinese Church. He raised his children in the church and was an active member of the Alief Fellowship (now known as ROCK Fellowship).
Contrary to Pao’s restrained and serious exterior, underneath he was kind and always helpful to others. He was a loving son, brother, husband and father who worked tirelessly and sacrificed much to provide the best for his loved ones.
He enjoyed studying and doing things himself, deriving great satisfaction in being able to fix anything.
His love for his family, religious faith and strong will to live helped him endure more than a year of difficult chemotherapy treatments.
He passed away on June 27, 2022, returning a heavenly home prepared by Jesus Christ at the age of 81.
Pao is survived by his beloved wife of 50 years, Yuling; daughter Frances with husband Edwin Park; grandchildren Augustine and Myrrh; son Michael Chen with wife Michelle (Umengan); grandchildren Maddox and Micah.